Professionellt grÃĪnsarbete - GUPEA - Göteborgs universitet


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för avprofessionalisering via ökad tonvikt på organisatorisk professionalism på bekostnad av yrkesmässig professionalism (Evetts 2003), det vill säga att mål, arbetsuppgifter, normer, värden och kvalitetskriterier i högre grad definieras av organisationen snarare än av professionen. Flera studier har visat att spänningen Evetts (2006a) skiljer mellan två typer av professionalism; yrkes- och or-ganisationsprofessionalism. Yrkesprofessionalism bygger på professionens logik och baseras på kollegialitet, kunskap, tillit från ledningsnivå och vilar på professionell etik via yrkesförbunden. Utöver detta är handlingsutrymme understandings of professionalism that correspond with the realities of 21st century working life. So, for example, Julia Evetts (2013, p. 779) argues that we need to look again at the theories and concepts used to explain and interpret this category of occupational work – by this category of occupational work she means professionalism. both types of professionalism are ideal types.

Organisatorisk professionalism evetts

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But professionalism is changing and being changed. The article considers the different ways in which professionalism has been and is currently being interpreted. Beginning with a section on defining the field and clarifying concepts, the second section examines the concept of 2011-06-29 2011-06-29 Julia Evetts skriver att officerskåren är intressant att studera ur ett professionalismperspektiv då officersyrket genomgått omfattande utveckling och förändringar de senaste decennierna och särskilt, menar Evetts, eftersom begreppet professionalism idag används i diskussioner I British Journal of Social Work, vol 34 (6), 871-895. Evetts, J. (2003) The sociological analysis of professionalism: occupational change in modern world. International Sociology 18 (2), 395-415 Freidson, E. (2001) Professionalism, the Third Logic.


This briefing paper sets out the background, evidence and key issues relating to professionalism in careers work in England. 2 The work is produced on behalf of Careers Englandand the Career professionalism as a counter‐force (described in the introduction) against profit‐seeking media owners as well as media professionals with little or no commitment to professional standards. Some sociologists of work hold similar views on occupational professionalism (to use Evetts’s term), i.e. that 2014-08-01 Occupational Professionalism and The New Professionalism There is considerable variability in the use of the term professionalism in the field of education (Evetts, 2011; Sachs, 2016).

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Organisatorisk professionalism evetts

Professionalism is now organizationally defined and imposed to employees “from above,” such as by employers and managers of the service organizations, rather than by the occupational level of structures (Fournier occupational professionalism (Evetts, 2003: 407ff.; 2006: 140–1). Evetts explains the difference between these two drivers of professionalisation thus: Organizational professionalism is a discourse of control used increasingly by managers in work organizations. It incorporates The paper analyses and explains the appeal of the concepts of profession and professionalism and the increased use of these concepts in different occupational groups, work contexts and social systems. The paper begins with a brief preliminary section on defining the field where it is suggested that a shift of focus is required from a preoccupation with defining `profession' to analysis of the professionalism is characterized by managerial control, standardization, competition and a focus on assessment (Evetts, 2009, 2011). As a result, professional discretion has narrowed, while expectations for performance have increased (Anderson and Cohen, 2015), potentially Evetts, J. (2003a) ‘The Sociology of Professional Groups: New Questions and Different Explanations’, Knowledge, Work and Society/Savoir, Travail et Société 1(1): 33 – 55.

Organisatorisk identifiering som konstrueras genom socialiseringsstrategier och som återspeglar organisationens värderingar kan antas vara av central betydelse för individens upplevelse av professionalism och mer specifikt professionella identitet (Kowtha, 2018).
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Organisatorisk professionalism evetts

the structures, work patterns, authority, accountability, discourses and control mechanisms of social workers (cf. Evetts, 2009), remains contested. On the one hand, following standards can lead to unreflective practitioners, a fear of making Organisatoriska förutsättningar verkar således ha en viss påverkan på handlingsstrategier men det utesluter inte ett ömsesidigt förhållande där även handlingsstrategier påverkar organisatoriska förutsättningar. Dock bör resultaten ses på med försiktighet på grund av massignifikansproblemet då flera analyser utförts. professionalism and the performance of social work.

Expertfunktioner och linjechefer i samspel: om professional- isering, genus och chefsomsättning, höga sjuktal och bristfällig organisatorisk styrning (Cregård, Corin & Ska- gert, 2017 granskningssystem (Evetts, 2011). Förutom att sådana  offentlig sektor kan beskrivas som en ny form av organisatorisk kontroll.
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samarbeidsprosesser, mens myndighetene er opptatt av en organisatorisk ( Evans, 2008; Evetts, 2008, 2011; Hargreaves, 2000; Sachs 2003, 2016). Sachs synet på lærerprofesjonalitet (professionalism), profesjonskunnskap.

SLUTRAPPORT Projekttitel Dnr Expertfunktioner och

knowledge-based work and expertise) Expertise in sociological theories, concepts and methodologies on professional occupations and work. Particularly interested in issues to do with the ‘new professionalism’. Short CV Professionalism transformed as a governance mechanism of employees in business organizations (Fournier, 1999, Evetts, 2003a). Professionalism is now organizationally defined and imposed to employees “from above,” such as by employers and managers of the service organizations, rather than by the occupational level of structures (Fournier occupational professionalism (Evetts, 2003: 407ff.; 2006: 140–1). Evetts explains the difference between these two drivers of professionalisation thus: Organizational professionalism is a discourse of control used increasingly by managers in work organizations.

Professionalism is a key concept in the sociologies of work, occupations, professions and organizations. But professionalism is changing and being changed. The article considers the different ways in which professionalism has been and is currently being interpreted. Beginning with a section on defining the field and clarifying concepts, the second section examines the concept of corresponds with Evetts results on NPM, and in some parts not. Lean was implemented differently at different departments and therefore affected the professionals in different ways. The interviews revealed a movement from an occupational professionalism towards an organizational professionalism as a result of the implementation of Lean. Utfallsstyrning främjar också framväxten av organisatorisk professionalism (OP) (Evetts, 2009).